Single Review: Under Control (Alex Metric Remix) - Freeland

When BlackPlastic first heard this mix of Freeland's Lead single from the next album on the radio whilst making dinner it wasn't long before focus was abandonned, the volume cranked up and arms were flailing all over the room in something that may or may not have resembled dancing.

'Under Control' continues Adam Freeland's move towards a more rock orientated sound and features a vocal from someone who sounds very much like (but presumeably isn't) one James Murphy. It's quite good...

...But dammit, this is better. Alex Metric's remix jams a square peg in a round hole and whacks it with a mallet several times and the resulting mess is lovely. Featuring the kind of frictional, discordant synthesizers that make BlackPlastic get hot and sweaty over anything that comes out of the Soulwax stable in combination with a jagged, fuzzy rock edge, this mix takes the original to new heights. All it needs is a little more length and a more climatic finale.

What's more, it's available as a free download over at All you've got to you is give up your email address.  You can also download a digital version of the single there or get a vinyl / MP3 bundle (with FLAC options).

Do it.

BP x