Single Review: Lazyboy - Underwear Goes Inside The Pants

First things first. BlackPlastic is 94% sure this is a one hit wonder. Lazyboy has released what sounds like an album, nay career's, defining song before they have even established themselves within pop culture at all. Having said which, Eminem (whose best work this is closest to) managed to release several whole albums of tosh after his debut, 'My Name Is...' and everybody still loved him...

This is punk hip-hop. Anything resembling actual MCing appears to have been jettisoned in favour of a lazy (hence the name?) style of delivery that half resembles a self-help track, half a smoke-induced rant.

The music is a little formulaic. Strings, beats, samples. This WILL NOT change your life.

What it will do is make you laugh and make you angry.

It's sad because it's true.