July song of the month...

It's been a tough decision this month but when BlackPlastic thinks back to what has been enjoyed the most recently there can be only one real contender.

The first Super Discount album by Etienne De Crécy was critically acclaimed and whilst parts of it were undoubtably enjoyable, BlackPlastic never quite warmed to it as much as some. It was a little too... Well, French actually. A little too funky, not quite enough balls, a little bit frilly.

When Super Discount 2 came out BlackPlastic took little notice until it heard the rather ace 'Fast Track', with its gritty, live-sounding bassline and bucket loads of acid. This was what the first album had lacked. But whilst July's song of the month is taken from Super Discount 2, it is not 'Fast Track', but the LP closer, 'Overnet'.

Built upon a relentless groove of acid clashes and throbbing basslines it's difficult not to warm to 'Overnet'. It's not necessarily that clever, it's not doing anything all that new, but by God its got balls. As layer after layer gets thrown into the mix things just get more and more exciting, this is the kind of song that should never stop... Alex Gopher and Etienne De Crécy just keep tweeking this thing to perfection. Into the perfect movement song. Whether you're dancing at a club, driving a car or working out at the gym, 'Overnet' will make it seem better.