Single Review: Paris - Friendly Fires

Barely two weeks in and one of 2008's most promising acts is already delivering nuggets of gold like this... For those not aware, Friendly Fires, like Foals (yes the 'The' is officially over) trade in indie anthems that sound like dance music: previously 'On Board' sounded like Jamie Principle's glittering house anthem 'Your Love' if it got a bit lary on the dance floor of you local fleapit and, as if in attempt to spoil journalists' ability to use such an analogy they went and covered 'Your Love' on one of their other EPs.

'Paris' has a chorus made of glitter and glow in the dark stars. It is being allowed to stay up on a school night. It is the promise of things and it is the sound of indie loved-up.

BlackPlastic never much cared for rave in its original form and if The Klaxons are Nu-Rave then Friendly Fires must be Nu-House.

Welcome to 2008, please check your old favourite band at the door.

BP x